Kristoffer Axén’s practice is centred around surrealism and solitude, examining imagined existences. This idea manifests both literally – as images are combined to create one, post-produced composite – and metaphorically – as figures are cast into thick shadows and states of withdrawal, even when surrounded by other beings. Axén notes: “The aim of my images is to extract the underlying, subjective reality of an untold story. I allude to the works of Mamma Andersson, Michael Borremans, Béla Tarr and David Lynch.”
Credits: All images courtesy of Kristoffer Axen.
1. Shelter (2011).
2. A Procession (2012).
3. The Man Who Never Came Back (2012).
4. New Nature (2012).
5. Search Party (2014).
6. Equilibrium (2012).